Sunday, December 11, 2011

A new machinima...?

Hello !

I just wanted to mention today that I'm finally working on a new machinima after months of thinking what my story would be etc.

Yesterday was my first day of actually trying to begin with just a tiny short idea and see what it leads to. The thing was that my computer was against it, haha XD The problem arose when I had filmed some short scenes of a girl walking to a door and also her looking up at a sign. I had different camera angles etc. and was happy. I went to the desktop, opened TC (Total Commander= a lovely file manager program) to look at the files. I noticed when I opened the one that the screen was so small. Very little did I expect. I made the window bigger only to realize that. . . the quality was crap ! That made me very angry ^^' That meant that I had to film EVERYTHING (okey it was not that much, but still...) all over again ! The thing is that I'm not totally sure why my in game filming quality was set on low.

Anyways I fixed the filming quality and decided to film some parts. I opened my video editing program. This time I was a tiny irritated but moved (copied) my files over. I began to clip a bit....Then all of a sudden the program decides that it was time to take a break! After just one min. I decide to wait a bit, when I don't feel like waiting anymore I randomly click at the screen and "poff" the program gets into the famous "Not responding" mode. I decide to restart the program. Same thing happens again...again...again until my patience run out. This was the same thing that happened to my Photoshop two days ago (It turned back to normal the day after).

Well, I decided to quit this project because it made me so mad ! XD I didn't even have a complete script and all.

But today, was the good "MachinimaCreatingDay" for me! I haven't filmed any yet but I have my story almost done so I'm happy ! :'D I've decided to complete everything first, like building, furnish the building, make all the characters etc. before I start filming.

I don't want to tell you so much about what it's going to be about, but I can tell you that it won't be a "happy" machinima. My first one is sad, but this one will be...well ofc you can say that this is also sad but it's more sad & horrible...hmm yeah maybe you can say it like that ^^' It will be a depressing story and it's something that actually happens in real life, more often than in my first when it was a car accident involving a child's death. At least I don't think it happens as much as this one so I can't say for sure.

Please take notice of that this machinima is a far far way from finished so it will take a lot of time until it will be shown to the public, so don't expect something soon. ^w^  I might be showing some pictures, possibly a trailer/teaser (I have been wanting to try to make one for awhile) etc. 8D
So stay tuned ! ~ It might pop up something sooner or later :3

Bye bye & continue to have a  nice day ! ~

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